
European universities now offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees taught in english. The widest range of programmes are to be found in Holland but options are available in all European countries, especially for students who wish to study Business. Ireland is now the only english speaking country in the European Union.

European Universities Consortium

An excellent place to start would be the EUC which is made up of 8 different universities spread across Europe: Modul in Vienna, Carl Benz and Jacobs in Germany, IE in Spain, Bocconi in Italy, EHL in Lausanne, Trinity in Dublin and Vesalius in Belgium. All offer a wide range of degree programmes in english.

Irish Universities

Ireland has 9 universities, 5 of which are to be found in Dublin, a cosmopolitan city with a very large student population. Ireland’s best known university is Trinity, which is modelled on an Oxbridge college. Other Dublin options would include University College and the Medical School organised by the Royal College of Surgeons. Applications are direct to the university of choice.

Dutch Universities

Dutch universities offer the widest range of english medium degree programmes in Europe at very reasonable cost. Seven Dutch universities feature in the THES Top 100 global ranking: Wageningen, Amsterdam, Leiden, Erasmus, Utrecht, Groningen & Delft UT. Students can apply through a dedicated website, Studielink, to 2 types of university: research or applied sciences. Six research universities have set up University Colleges which offer a US style Liberal Arts programme.

Universities in Germany

Seven German universities feature in the THES ranking of top 100 global universities: LMU Munich, TU Munich, Heidelberg, Charite, Tubingen, Humboldt and Freiburg. However this list illustrates one of the problems for english speakers applying to German universities: these universities only offer a small number of english medium degrees. There are also big financial differences between private universities, which charge international fees, and public universities, which are in some cases tuition free. Research is therefore essential to find appropriate options.

French Universities

Three French universities feature in the THES top 100 global universities list: the Ecole Polytechnique, PSL and the Sorbonne but english speaking students are confronted with the same problem as in Germany: a limited range of english medium degrees especially at undergraduate level. For students interested in the Political & Social Sciences, Science Po would be an excellent option – the French equivalent of LSE in the UK.

Universities in Switzerland

Four Swiss universities feature in the THES top 100 global universities: ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne, Zurich and Basel. The language of tuition reflects the area of Switzerland: German in Zurich, French in Lausanne. English medium degrees are available, particularly among the many Swiss Hospitality Schools, which have an international reputation for business education.

European Medical Schools

English speaking medical degrees are to be found throughout Europe and are very cost effective. However competition for places is extreme and every medical school has its own entry procedures and tests. Popular schools include: Charles University Prague, Humanitas Italy, Debrecen Hungary, Riga Stradins Latvia.